Pokedex is a simple web application built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that loads data from an external API and enables the users to see the details of each Pokemon. It provides a simple user friendly single page web application , users can hover over the buttons and the names of the Pokemon appear, additionally when each button is clicked more details like height and a picture of each Pokemon are revealed in a modal.
Developing this application enhanced by skills in working with JavaScript for the first time, it also allowed me to become familiar with working with APIs, handling asynchronous operations and managing dynamic data. I learned how to implement modals to display detailed information, also layouts with Bootstrap. I also installed Linter in my Visual Code program to help me with optimising my code layout and keeping it well formatted, as well as ESLint & Prettier.
Project Technology
the structure of the whole content of the application, with lists, modals, logo, div and buttons - CSS & Bootstrap
styled the application using Bootstrap and customised CSS to make sure the application had a responsive fun design. - Javascript
this managed the applications logic, including data fetching, event handling. - Pokemon API
The Pokemon API provided the data for the application